Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This is going to be my blog about the world of Mathematics I'm discovering anew as a 30-something programmer.

I did a fair bit of math in school then university. I went to university in the UK, and did some large amount toward A-Level math, though I ended up dropping it. I studied Music at university in my first year, then switched to Computer Science. I didn't complete the degree, moving to the USA instead to marry.

Over the last ten+ years as a computer programmer, I've brushed up against my love for math here and there. I did some work on music recognition a number of years ago that had me using Fourier Transforms, did some work on various 3D rendering pieces which had me doing Euclidean geometry. I started working on pieces for EVE Online, which had me delve into some graph theory, some more fun Euclidean geometry including convex hull determination, and a hybrid between graph theory and geometry that looked kind of like minimum spanning tree with some minimum distance tree thrown in.

I was getting kind of antsy at my current job at the time which had descended into IT and refactoring hell with no end in sight when an opportunity arose within the company to work on Data Science. I jumped at the chance, and have been delving in to the wonderful world of data science for the last few months and getting my Math groove back on.

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